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Jackson Creek Middle School

Monroe County Community School Corporation

Principal's Welcome

Leadership Team

A Message from Dr. Dominick Stella

Greetings and welcome to Jackson Creek Middle School, home of the Jaguars.

Since first opening our doors in 1998, Jackson Creek Middle School has been a proud member of the MCCSC family. As one of three middle schools in the district, our team prides itself in establishing a culture where each Jaguar models our R.O.A.R.S. code, exemplifying: responsibility, organization, accountability, respect, and safety.


Jackson Creek Middle School is home to a beautiful facility where divergent learning experiences, for diverse learners, are embraced and supported through family engagement, connections to the real world, cutting-edge resources, and a team of professionals that put kids first.


In 2014, we were an Indiana Four-Star School, and have since been an All Things PLC Evidence of Effectiveness School. Most recently, in 2022, Jackson Creek Middle School received Level 2 certification as a Marzano Network: High Reliability School, demonstrating that we implement research-based strategies to empower effective teaching practices in all of our classrooms. 


Speaking of all of our classrooms, did you know that we have award winning band, choir, and orchestra programs or that ⅔ of our students are enrolled in Spanish, French, or Chinese language programs, where they get a head start on earning high school credit? Or, how about our accelerated learning program in language arts, social studies, and science? We even have over ⅓   of our students participating in a high-school-level Algebra or Geometry course; taught right here in our building.


We believe in:


  • Accessible Learning: A safe learning environment that makes information readily available and easy to digest for all learners.


  • Fostering Curiosity: An eagerness to encounter what is new or unfamiliar and the desire to learn from these experiences.


  • Inclusive Community: Providing dozens of opportunities to participate in curriculum, athletics, and clubs so that every Jaguar has a place to fit in, make friends, and belong to a team.


We look forward to partnering with you to help your child and the children in our wonderful community to Dream, Explore, and Learn.



Dr. Dominick Stella, Principal

Jackson Creek Middle School